Is It Low Magnesium?
Anxiety, insomnia, low energy, and headaches are just few of the signs. Take this 3-minute quiz to learn if daily magnesium might be right for you...and save 50% off your first purchase!
Introducing A New, More Potent 4-in-1 Ultra Magnesium
✓ Magnesium deficiency is really common.
✓ 45% of adults may not get enough in their diet.
✓ Magnesium contributes to hundreds of body & brain functions.
✓ Your hair, skin & nails will love you for it!
✓ And it comes in many forms -- some better than others.
Each of us process magnesium a little differently. So taking only one form, even if it hits the recommended daily allowance, may not give you the help you're looking for. Our 4-in-1 complex formula removes the guess work.
Ultra Magnesium is potent. No unnecessary fillers or additives, just four preferred magnesium forms in one daily supplement.
Take this 3-minute quiz!
Take this quiz to find out if daily magnesium might be right for you. Insomnia, stress, anxiety, and low energy are just few of the signs.
Third Party Tested Or It Doesn't Go In the Bottle

Eurofins is a world leader in ingredient validation -- testing for hidden corn byproduct toxins, bromide, glyphosate, and other harmful pesticides.

Alkemist Labs is a leader in natural ingredient testing of herbs and mushrooms for botanical suppliers and dietary supplement manufacturers.

Dyad Labs provides testing to the nutraceutical, food, and beverage industries, to validate that what's on the label is what's in the bottle.