GST & GPX: Standing Guard Against Toxins

The following is part of our informational series that clarifies some of what you'll learn about your nutritional genetics after you've submitted your DNA Essentials Plus test.


Every day, our bodies are exposed to hundreds of toxic chemicals. In our environment. In our homes. In the food we eat or beverages we drink.

For many, some exposure is unavoidable. Though measures can be taken to lessen toxin exposure -- eating non-GMO foods or carefully choosing household cleaning products, as examples. Others people work or live in areas where exposure is high or harder to avoid.

Our bodies also produce metabolic waste that has to filtered hourly. That filtering process can be slowed by different genetic variations.

Do you have those gene variations?

Your personalized DNA Essentials Plus test results will report on two of those genes: GST and GPX.

GST and GPX genes are two separate genes that work closely together and are vital for detoxification and clearing problematic compounds from your body. These genes help you use glutathione which is the body’s master antioxidant.

Both the GST and GPX genes produce associated enzymes called GST and GPX just like many of the other genes we’ve looked at. The GST gene helps your body attach glutathione to harmful toxins. Glutathione then neutralizes those toxins so you can eliminate them through urination. If you don't eliminate those toxins, they can be damaging to your cells.

GPX transfers glutathione to hydrogen peroxide. This reaction makes hydrogen peroxide convert to water which is also eliminated through the urine. Hydrogen peroxide is naturally created in the body through a result of different biochemical processes. If it is not eliminated it can cause damage to the cells and lead to serious health problems.

Where GPX & GST function come into play.

If your GST gene isn't working properly then your body isn't able to attach glutathione to its toxins. This is especially problematic if you'd deal with a lot of chemical exposure.

When your GPX gene isn't working properly you don't efficiently use glutathione to convert the hydrogen peroxide to water which interrupts your methylation cycle.

Signs that your GST gene isn't working properly can be chemical hypersensitivity, inflammation, high blood pressure, and allergy symptoms. Signs that your GPX gene isn't working properly can be early graying or white hair, erratic moods, memory problems, and chronic fatigue.

How did I get into this situation? MTHFR and methylation problems, chronic physical mental and emotional overwhelm, and chemical or toxic metal and plastic exposure.

When you receive you DNA report, look out for your levels of B2 (riboflavin), selenium, and cysteine...these help keep your GST and GPX genes in good working order.