Genes And Your Diet

The following is part of our informational series that clarifies some of what you'll learn about your nutritional genetics after you've submitted your DNA Essentials Plus test.

What do genetics have to do with my diet?

Genes control how your body responds to fats and carbohydrates, your metabolism, your emotional response to food, and habits that control weight management. When you receive your report, you'll have the information you need to create a long-term eating plan; one that balances not only the types of food you eat but also when you eat and how to best supplement your diet.
Genetics do play a role in the development of disease. However, your dietary choices, stress management strategies, sleep quality, hydration, and exercise go a long way to reprogram those genes.
In your report you may learn that the Mediterranean diet is the best diet for you. It is the most well researched diet and is comprised of low inflammatory foods with a wide variety of nutrients. It's full of delicious vegetables, fruits, lean meats, and healthy fats.
Most people should consume a healthy amount of fats, specifically from nuts, avocados, and olives. While lots of people do very well eating this way, certain genes suggest whether you can tolerate the extra fats and carbohydrates.
Carbohydrates come in the form of vegetables, fruit, legumes, and grains. They also come in the form of refined and processed sources like pastas, cookies, cakes, and candies. These are not considered healthy carbohydrate options. These are refined carbs, and they increase your chances of chronic disease.

Food Intolerance? Gluten Sensitivity?

Have you ever wondered if you were lactose intolerant? How about gluten sensitive? You don't have to be celiac positive to be intolerant of gluten. Did you know there is a gene that helps your body to know if you feel full or not? You can even be genetically prone to emotional eating.
Your nutritional genetics test will look at your genes for carbohydrate sensitivity, weight loss, even diabetes and blood sugar. When it comes to fats and your genetics, your test will help you to understand which good fats are best for you.
Remember, these genes and their performance are not etched in stone! The best part of looking at nutritional genetics is that you hold the power to change how specific genes perform.